"At that time the Buddha gave a gradual instruction to the householder Upali (the Royal barber from the low caste) on giving, morality, heaven, finding fault with carelessness, no longer being engrossed with sensual pressures, and the merits of renunciation. Upali's mind was ready, supple, free from hindrances, exuberant, and dedicated, and so the Buddha proclaimed the teachings of all the Buddhas, that is, suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the path to the end of suffering."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Is Consciousness

Alex Grey's esoteric portrait
of Adi Da Samraj

“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”…Albert Einstein

What I am about to discuss here, today, and probably in the future, is the nature of consciousness.
Before you take what I have to say as fact, know that what I am about to put forth has no basis in scientific verifiable fact, it is just one man’s opinion, an intuitive position, take it or leave it but please consider it.

Everything is consciousness, the blade of grass, the dog by my feet, and even the rock in my backyard. Everything in the universe is conscious, the key is, everything is conscious at level allowable depending on the complexity of its essential nature.
Before you rush off to judgment, I’m not asserting that the rock in my backyard is sitting there contemplating the nature of reality, or the blade of grass is remembering last spring, my position is that the more complex the structure, nervous system, brain size, and cognitive ability, the higher the level of consciousness.
The rock, by its simple nature, minus a nervous system, minus a brain, with no cognitive ability, at least one that has never been measured, would have awareness near the bottom. The dog, sitting by my feet, with its fully functioning nervous system, measurable brain size, and limited understanding possesses consciousness, more than a simple rock, but less than the more complex human, yet consciousness.
If I haven’t lost you yet, I believe at this time, that everything, depending on its complexity and essential nature actually taps into an all pervasive consciousness that is the real reality, non subjective.
This all pervasive consciousness, I believe, has been known by many names, the Absolute, Cosmic Consciousness, Buddha Nature, the Light, Christ Consciousness, and sometimes God, to name a few. This all pervasive consciousness is non local, outside of space and time.
Humans possess such a high degree of cognition, and because of this they also have the ability to access higher levels of consciousness, and hence the ability to tap deeper into the non local all pervasive consciousness in varying degrees, the ultimate being what is called Enlightenment.
I think some individuals tap into this all pervasive consciousness in varying degrees during certain types of meditation, synchronicity events, astral projection, and other various phenomenon’s outside the norm. The stronger the ego, the more “I” we have, the less we can access or experience the all pervasive consciousness.

“God is not found in places. God is found in consciousness.”…Joel Goldsmith

A Side Note:
The ego is fully formed by the time a child is between 12-15 months of age. From then on the ego begins its long process of development and expansion until we block the symbolic light, the all pervasive consciousness. That’s what I would call the “Fall”.
The key to the return to the all pervasive consciousness, become child like, pre ego, “And he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”-Matthew 18:3-4

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