"At that time the Buddha gave a gradual instruction to the householder Upali (the Royal barber from the low caste) on giving, morality, heaven, finding fault with carelessness, no longer being engrossed with sensual pressures, and the merits of renunciation. Upali's mind was ready, supple, free from hindrances, exuberant, and dedicated, and so the Buddha proclaimed the teachings of all the Buddhas, that is, suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the path to the end of suffering."

Monday, August 23, 2010

Like Moths To A Flame

First allow me to apologize, I truly have had a hard time keeping up with my blogging, it’s kind of hard when the weather is so great!
As of late I’ve been writing like a fool, I’m working on a chapter on the pervasiveness of ignorance and the magnetic ability of ignorance to attract like minded ignorant, moths to a flame.
I’m getting a little afraid that the flame is getting bigger and is drawing more moths.
I have a bad habit; I fall asleep listening to the radio, a habit I got into after leaving the Navy a zillion years ago. I think my mind just got so use to the sound of the giant ship propellers turning and making constant noise.
The noise of my choice now, talk radio, the place all the crazies’ converse.
Not that I am the wisest, in fact I may also suffer from ignorance, but give me a break, just because someone says something does not mean its so! Have people lost the ability to think critically?
Sadly, except for Saturday nights, I sadly fall asleep to some of the most ignorant dribble I have ever heard. True I could shut off the radio, but it has always fascinated me how individuals add two and two and get five.
Who are these geniuses that infect the waves with their distorted perceptions and ignorant conclusions, people will say the weirdest shit even if it has no basis in reality.
As of late ignorance has popped ups its ugly head when it comes to religion, the favorite whipping post of the ignorant.
Now I’ll be one of the first to admit I care little for dogma, all dogma, but the ones that verbally attack it with out understanding it are truly dumb.
Fact, within just about every major religion there are factions that believe, practice, and worship in different ways, there are sects, sub-sects, orthodox, non-orthodox, monks, laypeople, and the list goes on and on. Yet everyone loves to lump what they don’t understand into one group, believing all affiliated with a certain group hold the same beliefs and opinions.
For instance: who has not heard of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church, the fundamentalist Christian group that shows up at military funerals, anti-gay rallies, and all assorted hateful protests. Do we judge all Christians by the actions of this ignorant flock, of coarse not. Does every Christian believe that Pat Robertson or the Pope does a direct pipeline to God, of coarse not.
So here we have these ignorant commentators challenging a president’s Christian beliefs when we don’t even know what type of Christianity they are talking about. Are they talking about Christians that believe in polygamy, or how about Christianity that drove the European continent into the Medieval Inquisition, or the Spanish Inquisition, or the Portuguese Inquisition, or even the Roman Inquisition, hundreds of years of blood shed over ignorance.
Instead of embracing the fact that we have a president that claims to be Christian, a president that was given a Muslim name by his parents, instead of seeing a person that understands two major religions they demonize him, how ignorant. If your of the opinion that there is only one path up a mountain your no different than the ignorant from the Westboro Church.
While I’m venting, most of these talking heads love to revise history, love to talk as if they know the beliefs of the founding fathers, and feel that we should all believe the way they did, without understanding the mindset of the time. Can you say Deism?
Deism is essentially the view that God exists, but that He is not directly involved in the world. Deism pictures God as the great “clockmaker” who created the clock, wound it up, and let it go. A deist believes that God exists and created the world, but does not interfere with His creation. Deists deny the Trinity, the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, miracles, and any supernatural act of redemption or salvation.
Am I a Deist, no, but Thomas Paine was, so was Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and George Washington, there beliefs were a byproduct of the time they lived, the Enlightenment.

On the other side of the coin, only the ignorant would follow a leader that distorts the tenants of a peaceful religion to justify political aspirations, and only the ignorant would actually listen to idiots that distort the truth. I think I’ll turn off the radio.

“There is no darkness but ignorance.”…William Shakespeare

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