Today I have been pondering the idea of an all pervasive consciousness, a consciousness that we tap into depending on the circumstance of birth.
In other words, consciousness is all pervasive, it is here before we are born, and it is here after we die. Everything taps into this consciousness, a rock, a weed, an insect, and of coarse the human, But how much it taps into this consciousness, or at least its ability, is determined by its nature.
A rock for instance, because of its nature, has very little chance of tapping into higher levels of consciousness, yet still has consciousness, although minimal. It’s not that I’m picking on the lowly rock; it has minimal “taping in” ability due to its lack of cell structure and DNA.
The plant has cell structure and genetics; hence it has the ability to “tap into” a higher level of consciousness. All the plant needs to tap into more is the nervous system that is present in animals.
Maybe the nervous system is the conduit to higher levels of consciousness?
Remember I’m not positing that we each have a separate consciousness; I’m stating that we are all tapping into an ever present consciousness, and can only do so by the conditions of our birth.
I am sure most would say “No way, I’m a separate person with a separate state of being.” My response to that premise, you created that separateness, call it a byproduct or illusion of free will. Not to say you don’t have free will, but sometimes what you create just might be an illusion, ego.
Enough pondering, now back to my garden.