"At that time the Buddha gave a gradual instruction to the householder Upali (the Royal barber from the low caste) on giving, morality, heaven, finding fault with carelessness, no longer being engrossed with sensual pressures, and the merits of renunciation. Upali's mind was ready, supple, free from hindrances, exuberant, and dedicated, and so the Buddha proclaimed the teachings of all the Buddhas, that is, suffering, the cause of suffering, the end of suffering and the path to the end of suffering."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Do You Care - Think About It

So what, who really cares if Christine O'Donnell, the nominee for the Delaware Republican Senate, dabbled in witchcraft.
I would have given her more credit if she stood her ground. Why do her beliefs or practices bother you?
Has freedom of religion denigrated to “my way or the highway”? After all how harmful is a theology that believes that the God and Goddess are merely two aspects of the same Godhead, often viewed as a pantheistic deity, thereby encompassing everything in the universe within its divinity? Or maybe you didn’t know that when you rushed to judgment.

Or what about Rand Paul and his Aqua Buddha?
As one who has spent many years actually studying Buddhist philosophy, I assure you I have never heard of an Aqua Buddha, Aqua Velva, but no Aqua Buddha.
But who really cares?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Ultimate Change - God May Be A Verb

It is of the utmost importance that we clarify a little Basic English word symbolism before we continue on, a noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea, and a verb is a word used primarily to indicate a type of action.
If you believe this you would classify your house, as an example, as a noun. Yet your house is in a constant state of change, a verb. Your, if traditional, is built from the wood of many trees, dead wood that is actually ageing, decaying, and although you can’t see it breaking down in structure. Everyday the home that you classified as a noun, a thing, is actually acting as verb, constantly changing.
Outside my backdoor sit’s a huge bolder, a rock of gigantic proportions, also misidentified by most as a noun, an object. Yet this granite solid aggregate is slowly being worn down by the continual changing seasons.
You and I, also classified as nouns, are truly verbs. We are in a constant state of change. Day in day out the cells in our body, the cells that enter our body change, at no time do we remain the same, where’s the you? Just look at a snapshot taken of yourself a decade ago and tell me you don’t change your changing everyday. Where’s the noun?
When one looks at the night sky one thinks the stars that appear above have held their positions since the moment of their birth, yet they are expanding, and so is the space which they reside in.

This brings me to the ultimate question, at least in my mind, is God a noun, a person, place or thing, or is God a verb, action, movement, or change?

According to the Emerald Tablet, "That which is above is the same as that which is below"...The macrocosm is the same as microcosm. The universe is the same as God, God is the same as man, man is the same as the cell, the cell is the same as the atom, and the atom is the same as...and so on, ad infinitum."

It surely makes you wonder.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Climb Brother Climb

Climb Brother, Climb

“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it“... Genesis 28:12

Long before I became a Freemason, I had always been fascinated by the esoteric symbolism of the ladder. In fact one the very first blogs I had ever written was about the imaginary ladder all sentient beings existed on.
Sadly, I erased the blog, so I try to give it another shot.

As I said, all of us are living on this imaginary ladder, let us call it an invisible magical ladder. Now just because you cannot see it, don’t think it does not exist, let me help you envision it.
This magical invisible ladder is made out of wood, natural and organic. It reaches high, and I mean really high, so high the builder of this ladder knew that in order to hold all of humanity this ladder would have to be designed with the maximum amount of support. To allow for the growing population, and just in case of stagnation by certain climbers, the creator decided the ladder would be larger at the bottom, and slowly narrow towards the top.
So here, we have this huge ladder, made of invisible wood, large and wide at the bottom, narrow at the top, reaching towards the symbol of the creator, who we will call the G.A.O.T.U. (Remember the symbol, the Sun, hot, radiant, and light.)
The reason the ladder exists, to climb. Where are we going? To merge with the ultimate (or you can call it Nirvana, Christ Consciousness, or whatever unity principle you decide to choose).
So here we have ALL of humanity on this invisible magic ladder, each and every one of us. Yet not all of us are on the same rung. Some have climbed closer to the Sun, while others have chosen to stay put. Some people like to climb, others don’t, and the truly spooky ones are the ones that think they have climbed to the top when they have really only climbed a few rungs. When you encounter these non-climbing individuals, watch out, they will try like Hell to convince you that where they stand is the goal.
Sadly very few will ever make it to the top, the ladder assuredly gets narrower and steeper as you climb, there will be less and less helping hands are you climb, due to the fact too many individuals get hung up for various reasons on certain rungs.
Have you ever wondered why people say “I don’t get it.”, its because we are not always on the same rung.
Now let me tell you about something I fear.
Remember, our invisible imaginary ladder is made out of wood, climbing to the radiant heat of the Sun. What would happen if too many individuals are stuck on a certain rung of the ladder, say the ignorance rung? How would the Sun penetrate through the mass of ignorance, without the heat of the Sun the invisible magic ladder would surely rot?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

All Is Consciousness

Alex Grey's esoteric portrait
of Adi Da Samraj

“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”…Albert Einstein

What I am about to discuss here, today, and probably in the future, is the nature of consciousness.
Before you take what I have to say as fact, know that what I am about to put forth has no basis in scientific verifiable fact, it is just one man’s opinion, an intuitive position, take it or leave it but please consider it.

Everything is consciousness, the blade of grass, the dog by my feet, and even the rock in my backyard. Everything in the universe is conscious, the key is, everything is conscious at level allowable depending on the complexity of its essential nature.
Before you rush off to judgment, I’m not asserting that the rock in my backyard is sitting there contemplating the nature of reality, or the blade of grass is remembering last spring, my position is that the more complex the structure, nervous system, brain size, and cognitive ability, the higher the level of consciousness.
The rock, by its simple nature, minus a nervous system, minus a brain, with no cognitive ability, at least one that has never been measured, would have awareness near the bottom. The dog, sitting by my feet, with its fully functioning nervous system, measurable brain size, and limited understanding possesses consciousness, more than a simple rock, but less than the more complex human, yet consciousness.
If I haven’t lost you yet, I believe at this time, that everything, depending on its complexity and essential nature actually taps into an all pervasive consciousness that is the real reality, non subjective.
This all pervasive consciousness, I believe, has been known by many names, the Absolute, Cosmic Consciousness, Buddha Nature, the Light, Christ Consciousness, and sometimes God, to name a few. This all pervasive consciousness is non local, outside of space and time.
Humans possess such a high degree of cognition, and because of this they also have the ability to access higher levels of consciousness, and hence the ability to tap deeper into the non local all pervasive consciousness in varying degrees, the ultimate being what is called Enlightenment.
I think some individuals tap into this all pervasive consciousness in varying degrees during certain types of meditation, synchronicity events, astral projection, and other various phenomenon’s outside the norm. The stronger the ego, the more “I” we have, the less we can access or experience the all pervasive consciousness.

“God is not found in places. God is found in consciousness.”…Joel Goldsmith

A Side Note:
The ego is fully formed by the time a child is between 12-15 months of age. From then on the ego begins its long process of development and expansion until we block the symbolic light, the all pervasive consciousness. That’s what I would call the “Fall”.
The key to the return to the all pervasive consciousness, become child like, pre ego, “And he said: 'I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”-Matthew 18:3-4

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Humane Lodge Rochester, NH

How Strong Are Your Roots

“It’s all about depth, the deeper your roots the stronger the tree.” That’s the first thing I thought I as I looked over the schedule my Lodge had sent me for the up coming month, this is the month we celebrate 200 years in Rochester, NH.
One never to shy from asking the tough questions I asked my spiritual self, not to be confused with my emotional self, if I thought my Lodge would be around to celebrate our 300th year?
The answer is, in a different form, if at all. I say this not as a critique, but as a fact. As George Harrison once said “All things must pass”, and I fear that only time will tell if Freemasonry can and will progress with time.
I myself live in a city adjacent to the city where my Lodge is located, a situation that was not always the case. I live in one of the eleven cities in New Hampshire, a city without a Lodge, a city without a Temple.
Although this was not always the case, one need only stroll through the local public cemetery to see that the history of Somersworth walked hand and hand with the resident Freemasons. Forest Glade Cemetery is filled with tombstones with the all too familiar compass and square carved into the aging marble and granite.
Yet if one looks closely you’ll also find Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and the Order of Red Men, just to name a few that have long passed. All now sadly on the brink of extinction. None of these fraternities still exist in the City of Somersworth, except for the Fraternal Order of the Eagles which sadly has become just a drinking club. (If I am wrong, I truly apologize, but I fear I’m not.)
In the world of Somersworth Freemasonry, Libanus Lodge #49 once occupied the third floor of the G.A.R. building located on High St. Do to limited attendance, and other factors Libanus Lodge of Somersworth was closed well over a decade ago.
Somersworth, a city once the home too many Freemasons is but the home to a few, all belonging to Lodges in other communities.
All too few individuals realize the contributions and actions Freemasonry provides the residents of a community, and all too few even understand what Freemasonry actually is. Some would say the time of Fraternalism is gone, I may agree, but that’s only a small part of what Freemasonry actually is. Some would say that television, the internet, and various other attention grabbing distractions are destroying Fraternal Orders, I would agree to a point, I fear self absorption, and egoism are the true dangers that could bring down so noble an ancient traditions.
All this being said, Freemasonry historically ebbs and flows. In my research I have found many others, in various decades dating back to the early eighteen hundreds, have thought Freemasonry would not stand the test of time, and to this point it has.
If truth be told we are actually increasing our numbers, numbers that will assuredly become disenchanted if they see Freemasonry as just a “Men’s Club” that practices hollow rituals without understanding the depth of the allegories.

Years ago I came across a passage in Tolstoy‘s “War and Peace”, in his famous lengthy novel Pierre observes four different types of Masons. Although I relate to the first type well, I think what Tolstoy wrote is very relevant today as it was when Tolstoy made his observation: "He divided all the brethren whom he knew into four categories. In the first he placed those who took no interest in the transactions of the lodges, or in human affairs in general, but were exclusively absorbed in the mysterious doctrines of the order, absorbed in questions as to the threefold nature of God, or the three primordial elements of matter, sulphur, mercury, and salt, or as to the significance of the Cube, and all the symbolism of Solomon's Temple. Pierre reverenced this class of Masons, to which belonged principally the older members of the brotherhood, and Josiph Alekseyevitch, in Pierre's opinion,—but he could not share in their pursuits. His heart was not attracted by the mysterious side of Masonry.
In the second category he reckoned himself, and those like himself seekers, inclined to waver, not yet successful in walking the straight and intelligible way of Masonry, but all the time striving to walk in it.
In the third category he placed the brethren and they formed the majority who saw in Freemasonry nothing but superficial formalities and ceremonies, and who insisted on the strenuous fulfillment of these external forms, caring nothing for their real essence and significance. Such were Villarski, and even the Grand Master of the Supreme Lodge.
In the fourth category, finally, were reckoned also the great mass of the brethren, and especially those who had been recently admitted. These were men who, according to Pierre's observation, believed nothing, and desired nothing, and entered the brotherhood simply for the sake of bringing themselves into intimate relations with rich young men endowed with influential connections, of whom there were many in the lodges.
Pierre began to feel dissatisfied with his activity. Masonry, at least Masonry such as he knew it in Russia, it sometimes seemed to him, was founded on mere formalities. He did not dream of doubting Masonry itself, but he was persuaded that Russian Freemasonry was on the wrong track, and had turned aside from its first principles. And. therefore, toward the end of the year, Pierre went abroad to become initiated in the highest mysteries of the order."

In closing, it is my hope that Freemasonry reigns strong for our future Brothers, embracing the esoteric and exoteric together, embracing the spiritual as well as the moral.

Happy Birthday Humane !!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What If You Were God?

Hypothetically, what if you were God? Would you treat those around you, friends, lovers, or even complete strangers the same way? Would you promote peace, respect, and wholeness in a world that seems divided?

Warning!! The information below may be seen as heretical to those who hold the bible as a literal fact. For your own protection, click away.
For those that enjoy mystery and ancient symbolism, enjoy!

“And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did hew [them], and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house.”…1 Kings 5:18

I like many of you enjoyed the last Dan Brown novel, “The Lost Symbol”.
Before the actual book the ‘Lost Symbol” was released, many believed the title was to be “Solomon’s Builders”, a nickname associated with Freemasonry.
With that in mind I thought it would be fun to research into the story of King Solomon and his magnificent temple, a subject very dear to all Freemasons, Solomon’s Builders.
First and foremost, what I am about to put forth is about the allegory of Solomon, not about Freemasonry to which I belong. The ideas put forth here are my own and other writers, some Masonic, others not, that feel the story of Solomon may just have a different allusion than that commonly accepted.

Please don’t shoot the messenger: to date, no archaeological evidence for Solomon's Temple has been found and the only references to the First Temple in Jerusalem that might be contemporary with its supposed existence is contained in the Hebrew Bible. Historical evidence of King Solomon, independent of the biblical accounts, is scarce; in fact, Solomon is not noticed by Herodotus, or by Plato, or by any writer of standing. It is most extraordinary that the Jewish nation, over whom but a few years before the mighty Solomon had reigned in all his glory, with a magnificence scarcely equaled by the greatest monarchs, spending nearly eight thousand millions of gold on a temple, was overlooked by the historian Herodotus, writing of Egypt on the one hand, and of Babylon on the other, visiting both places, and of course passing almost necessarily within a few miles of the splendid capital of the national Jerusalem? How can this be accounted for? Not only are there no proofs of the twelve tribes of Israel having ever existed, but Herodotus, the most accurate of historians, who was in Assyria when Ezra flourished, never mentions the Israelites at all; and Herodotus was born in 484 B.C. How is this possible?

Let’s put this together first with Sol (omon), the Sun the emblem of Wisdom. In him are the powers of all the planets united; in him are love, will, and intelligence combined into one; in the same sense as the four sides of a pyramid all culminate in one point.
There have been many Sun gods throughout history. Some are depicted as traveling across the sky in a vessel of some sort, like a boat, chariot, or cup. The Sun god of the Greeks and Romans rode in a 4-horse (Pyrios, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon) chariot. The Egyptians differentiated among the aspects of the Sun, and had several gods associated with it: Khepri for the rising sun, Atum the setting, Ra at noon, and Osiris at night. Osiris was the sun when it was dead, that is either at night or at winter. Therefore, Osiris became the judge of the Netherworld, and after you died and were buried, you'd have to face Osiris to be judged. He was in fact the gatekeeper to the other realm, the realm of the dead.
The Greeks and Romans also had more than one Sun god. It seems that most Sun deities are male and counterparts to the often female Moon deities, although there are goddesses of the Sun and gods of the Moon.
The Sun is the centre and source of all light and heat, and of all power; not only of the visible terrestrial light, but of the light of intelligence; not only of terrestrial heat, but of the heat of love. He attracts by his power all the planets in space and keeps them within their orbits. Those in whom the Sun principle is strong are capable of becoming wise, strong, and powerful. It is therefore said that the Sun is a planet governing the souls of kings and noblemen, and conferring honors, powers, and titles. Its influence is decisive in all important questions in human life. In the mineral kingdom it is represented by gold; in the animal kingdom by the Lion, in the spiritual kingdom as Sol-om-on, the divine Sun of Wisdom.
The name Solomon is composed of the words: Sol-Om-On, Sol, the Sun; Om, the sacred name in the East among the Buddhists and Brahmins; and On, one of the sacred names of God. In Revelation 1: 5, the Greek bible reads: On, kai o'en kai o'erchomenos, and translated in the common version: "Him, which is, and which was, and which was to come." On is translated as Him. The word On also means sun, and was given as a name to the ancient city of Egypt, Heliopolis, "City of the Sun." In Genesis, Heliopolis is translated as On.
Hence it is supposed by some that Solomon (Sol-om-on) was a worshipper of the sun.
Are you beginning to see where we are going?

“His "Holy Temple" has gone down in history as one of the greatest of all buildings, yet according to specifications it was small indeed, only about 40 x 120 feet.”

During my research into the allegory of Solomon I came upon a rather unusual author named John Hazelrigg, I must admit I found his interpretation of Solomon interesting. His writing position is in italics, the regular font is mine.

“As an example of the allegorical method used in the elucidation of these mysteries, take, for example, the story of King Solomon, deemed a personage of some importance in Holy Writ, whose temple was "built not with hands, neither with sound of iron or metal tool."
The above passage, "built not with hands, neither with sound of iron or metal tool." can be taken as a universal truth, psychologically, philosophically, and spiritually. On the spiritual level we are the Temple built not with hands, 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” On the universal level no other system states it better than the Vedanta, you are God and so am I. Before you rush of to judgment on the Vedantist position, you are God and so am I, look carefully at how Brother Swami Vivekananda elaborates on this position: “Thou art the man, thou art the woman, thou art the girl, and thou art the boy; thou art the old man tottering with a stick, thou art the young man walking in the pride of his strength; thou art all that exists” – a wonderful, living God who is the only fact in the
This seems too many to be a terrible contradiction of the traditional God, who lives behind a veil somewhere and whom nobody ever sees. The priests only give us an assurance that if we follow them, listen to their admonitions, and walk in the way they mark out for us, then, when we die, they will give us a passport to enable us to see the face of God! What are all these ideas of heaven but simply interventions of this nonsensical priest-craft?”
As of late I am beginning to believe that a reconciliation between religion (non dogmatic) and science will be found in the philosophy of Monistic Idealism, which states that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all being. It is a monistic theory because it holds that there is only one type of thing in the universe, and a form of idealism because it holds that one thing to be consciousness.
Before we continue with the allegory of Solomon I feel it of the utmost importance to elaborate more on Monistic Idealism and the central theme of the Temple “built not with hands, neither with sound of iron or metal tool."
While searching the web for understandable modern Monistic theory I came across this wonderful paragraph in Wikipedia: Monistic idealism rejects any notion of consciousness being an "accident" or the mere side product of material interactions. Instead, consciousness comes before matter; it is the fundamental wellspring from which reality is created. In the words of physicist Amit Goswami, who wrote a book The Self-Aware Universe (1993) on this concept: “The current worldview has it that everything is made of matter, and everything can be reduced to the elementary particles of matter, the basic constituents — building blocks — of matter. And cause arises from the interactions of these basic building blocks or elementary particles; elementary particles make atoms, atoms make molecules, molecules make cells, and cells make brain. But all the way, the ultimate cause is always the interactions between the elementary particles. This is the belief — all cause moves from the elementary particles. This is what we call "upward causation." So in this view, what human beings — you and I think of as our free will does not really exist. It is only an epiphenomenon or secondary phenomenon, secondary to the causal power of matter. And any causal power that we seem to be able to exert on matter is just an illusion. This is the current paradigm.
Now, the opposite view is that everything starts with consciousness. That is, consciousness is the ground of all being. In this view, consciousness imposes "downward causation." In other words, our free will is real. When we act in the world we really are acting with causal power. This view does not deny that matter also has causal potency — it does not deny that there is causal power from elementary particles upward, so there is upward causation — but in addition it insists that there is also downward causation. It shows up in our creativity and acts of free will, or when we make moral decisions. In those occasions we are actually witnessing downward causation by consciousness.”

When I started this paper I referenced the fiction author Dan Brown and his novel the “Lost Symbol”, maybe Mr. Brown was closer than you think when he used the phrase “Know ye not that ye are Gods”.

Let us return to the writing of John Hazelrigg.
“Now, the word Solomon is a compound from three languages great in olden times,—Latin, Sol or Solus, sun; Sanskrit, Aunt or Om, heat; and Ethiopic, On, being,—all pointing to the solar principle in manifestation: Sol-om-on, the personification of wisdom, and described in his songs as of "the brightness of the everlasting light, the unspotted mirror of the power of God, and the image of His goodness." Solomon's Temple meant nothing more nor less than the temple or vault of the heavens, of which Sol is king, or center; and, being the body or constitution of the Grand Man, so must it correspond with the man of earth, for "as is the Macrocosm, so is the microcosm.”
It can easily be seen that John Hazelrigg was influenced by the Hermetic tradition, the phrase "as is the Macrocosm, so is the microcosm.” is similar to the Hermetic “As above, so below”, which comes from the beginning of The Emerald Tablet ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus. Hermeticism teaches that the universe is the same as God, God is the same as man, man is the same as the cell, the cell is the same as the atom, and the atom is the same as...and so on, ad infinitum. Hermeticism, as taught by Hermes, encompasses both panentheism and Henotheism within its belief system, which teaches that there is The All, or one "Cause", of which we, and the entire universe, are all a part. Also it subscribes to the notion that other beings such as gods and angels, ascended masters and elements exist in the Universe as parts of the All.
After spending many years studying Eastern philosophies I was very surprised to find OM spoken of frequently in the Western Esoteric traditions. OM is the most important of all mantras. All mantras generally begin and often also end with OM. However, there is much confusion about OM. OM is the mantra of assent. It means yes and affirms and energizes whatever we say after it. That is why all mantras begin with OM. OM is also the mantra of ascent and causes our energy to rise upward into the infinite. OM is expansive and increases the fire, air and ether elements, particularly ether. It also gives strength, protection and grace. It connects us with the guidance power of the inner Guru.
For my Masonic readers, I would like to introduce you to another Eastern mantra, one that may strike a cord: HRIM (pronounced Hreem) is the prime mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds and holds all her creative and healing powers. HRIM governs over the cosmic magnetic energy and the power of the soul and causal body. It awakens us at a soul or heart level, connecting us to Divine forces of love and attraction. HRIM is the mantra of the Divine Maya that destroys the worldly maya. It has a solar quality to it but more of a dawn-like effect. It is charming and alluring, yet purifying. Through it we can control the illusion power of our own minds.

Hazelrigg continues: “As proof of this analogy, take this word, whose letters number seven, and place beneath each letter the seven digits in order, thus:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Do you see anything strange or suggestive in this arrangement? Look closely; note the numerals beneath the consonants, 1357, which is the number of muscles in the human body; now the numerals beneath the vowels, 246, which is the number of bones in the human body. So have we the framework and the organs of motion in the lesser man. Also add together the vowel figures, 2+4+6, and behold the mystical 12, or signs of the Zodiac, which is the framework of the astral system. "And Solomon [Sun] had twelve officers [signs] over all Israel . . . each man his month in a year made provision" (I. Kings, iv. 7), as does the Sun enter and vitalize a new sign each month; while by adding together the digits of the full number, 1234567, the twenty-eight mansions of the Moon are found expressed.”
I’m not sure I agree with the number of muscles or bones in the human body, but neither can I find a definitive amount. I’ll leave that judgment up to you.
Jesus surrounds himself with 12 disciples. This is usually taken to be symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel. This notion of 12 tribes, however, is itself a symbolic reference to the 12 signs of the zodiac in Babylonian astrology, which the Jews adopted whilst in exile in Babylon.
Although this paper is not intended to address Masonic symbolism, I feel it important to show that Freemasonry is an ancient mystery tradition and many of the allegories and symbols are already present within.
"The number 12 was celebrated as a mystical number in the ancient systems of sun-worship, of which it has already been said that Masonry is a philosophical development. The number there referred to the twelve signs of the zodiac, and in those Masonic rites in which the Builder is made the symbol of the sun, the twelve Fellow Crafts refer to the twelve signs in which alone the sun is to be sought for."—Mackey's Ritualist, page 113

Let us continue: “A further mystical interest attaches to this name because it represents the perfect scale of being, as expounded by the Hermetic doctrine, in which the four consonants, 1357, symbolize the involved potentialities of the four objective states—mineral, vegetable, animal, human; while the three vowels, 246, numerically comprehend the evolutional activities belonging to the subjective states of embryonic being. And 4 + 3 = the mystic 7, which is the sum of the trinity—the three alchemical principles: salt, sulphur, mercury—that encircles and interpenetrates the fundamental tetrad: fire, air, earth, water. In the central 4 is expressed the first mathematical power, which, as the number of the four elements of the Macrocosm and the divine quadrature of the Primal Essence, is significant of the generating virtue, or solar potency, without which there could be no manifestation. And, as the pivotal integer in the numerals of the Solomonic title, it likewise represents the inner sanctuary of every templuta in Nature, whence proceeds the principle of diversity to be found indicated in the dyads that adjoin it on either side, as 3-5, 2-6, 1-7. The sum of each couplet is seen to be 8, the first cube and the square of the dyad. Thus we learn why microcosmic man, as the sum and substance of Nature's diversities, is said to be four-square and perfect.”
Now to most the above paragraph may seem a bit perplexing, welcome to the world of Theosophy, Hermeticism, Freemasonry, and Sacred Geometry.

(to be continued)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time to start squeezing!

Please allow me to start off this blog with a little trivia; the reason will become apparent down the road.

The mass of an adult human brain is approximately 2.87 to 3.1 pounds; a newborn human brain is about 0.77 to 0.88 pounds. The average Male's brain weighs 3 pounds; the average Female's brain weighs 2.8 pounds.
The brain of the genius Albert Einstein weighed 2.71 pounds, a bit lighter than the average male of female, I wonder why?
Maybe he’s was trying, and succeeding, to do what I am, emptying his mind of all his useless thought.
Is that even possible?

I tend to think so, and believe it is of the utmost importance on our path of awakening. I call it squeezing out the sponge; others may call it emptying the tea cup. Those familiar with Zen have all heard the story of the university professor who went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. "It's overfull! No more will go in!" the professor blurted. "You are like this cup," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?"
I myself tend to think my mind is filled with tons of useless information, judgments, beliefs, ideas; the list goes on and on, all filling my mind like a sponge, and not till I squeeze out the sponge will I have room for clarity.

Time to start squeezing!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Like Moths To A Flame

First allow me to apologize, I truly have had a hard time keeping up with my blogging, it’s kind of hard when the weather is so great!
As of late I’ve been writing like a fool, I’m working on a chapter on the pervasiveness of ignorance and the magnetic ability of ignorance to attract like minded ignorant, moths to a flame.
I’m getting a little afraid that the flame is getting bigger and is drawing more moths.
I have a bad habit; I fall asleep listening to the radio, a habit I got into after leaving the Navy a zillion years ago. I think my mind just got so use to the sound of the giant ship propellers turning and making constant noise.
The noise of my choice now, talk radio, the place all the crazies’ converse.
Not that I am the wisest, in fact I may also suffer from ignorance, but give me a break, just because someone says something does not mean its so! Have people lost the ability to think critically?
Sadly, except for Saturday nights, I sadly fall asleep to some of the most ignorant dribble I have ever heard. True I could shut off the radio, but it has always fascinated me how individuals add two and two and get five.
Who are these geniuses that infect the waves with their distorted perceptions and ignorant conclusions, people will say the weirdest shit even if it has no basis in reality.
As of late ignorance has popped ups its ugly head when it comes to religion, the favorite whipping post of the ignorant.
Now I’ll be one of the first to admit I care little for dogma, all dogma, but the ones that verbally attack it with out understanding it are truly dumb.
Fact, within just about every major religion there are factions that believe, practice, and worship in different ways, there are sects, sub-sects, orthodox, non-orthodox, monks, laypeople, and the list goes on and on. Yet everyone loves to lump what they don’t understand into one group, believing all affiliated with a certain group hold the same beliefs and opinions.
For instance: who has not heard of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church, the fundamentalist Christian group that shows up at military funerals, anti-gay rallies, and all assorted hateful protests. Do we judge all Christians by the actions of this ignorant flock, of coarse not. Does every Christian believe that Pat Robertson or the Pope does a direct pipeline to God, of coarse not.
So here we have these ignorant commentators challenging a president’s Christian beliefs when we don’t even know what type of Christianity they are talking about. Are they talking about Christians that believe in polygamy, or how about Christianity that drove the European continent into the Medieval Inquisition, or the Spanish Inquisition, or the Portuguese Inquisition, or even the Roman Inquisition, hundreds of years of blood shed over ignorance.
Instead of embracing the fact that we have a president that claims to be Christian, a president that was given a Muslim name by his parents, instead of seeing a person that understands two major religions they demonize him, how ignorant. If your of the opinion that there is only one path up a mountain your no different than the ignorant from the Westboro Church.
While I’m venting, most of these talking heads love to revise history, love to talk as if they know the beliefs of the founding fathers, and feel that we should all believe the way they did, without understanding the mindset of the time. Can you say Deism?
Deism is essentially the view that God exists, but that He is not directly involved in the world. Deism pictures God as the great “clockmaker” who created the clock, wound it up, and let it go. A deist believes that God exists and created the world, but does not interfere with His creation. Deists deny the Trinity, the inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, miracles, and any supernatural act of redemption or salvation.
Am I a Deist, no, but Thomas Paine was, so was Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and George Washington, there beliefs were a byproduct of the time they lived, the Enlightenment.

On the other side of the coin, only the ignorant would follow a leader that distorts the tenants of a peaceful religion to justify political aspirations, and only the ignorant would actually listen to idiots that distort the truth. I think I’ll turn off the radio.

“There is no darkness but ignorance.”…William Shakespeare

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Am I Dreaming?

Let me get this straight, every night each and every one of us closes our eyes, falls asleep, and dreams. In these dreams, which most of us will forget in the morning, we experience a dream world that includes individuals, objects, emotions, sensations, all very similar to our waking world? In the dream we experience an illusionary existence created by our mind, so strong at times we feel pain in the dream, experience love in the dream, and when we were younger enjoyed sex in our dreams. The entire dream is but a projection of mind, a movie of sort where sometimes you participate and other times you observe.
The only difference between dream consciousness and day consciousness is in one state your eyes are closed, the other your eyes are open, but both are truly dreams.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Bodhisattva of the Month Gabor Mate

Gabor Mate

You never know who the Bodhisattva is. The Sanskrit term Bodhisattva is the name given to anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhichitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.
What makes someone a Bodhisattva is her or his dedication to the ultimate welfare of other beings, as expressed in the prayer:
“May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings.”

In this video you will meet Dr. Gabor Mate, voted by me as the Bodhisattva of the month.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I’m Done! No More Negative People!

I’m done! No more negative people!
Time, if it does really exist, is short and I don’t have time for negative people. I’m not sure what’s up but there seems to be an abundance of negative people on this planet. What’s the deal with that?
Have you ever noticed happy individuals? Have you ever noticed the simplicity of their lives?
Maybe that’s the key, simplicity.
The happiest people I have ever met live outside their respective heads. Rarely do they use words such as “I”, “Me” or “Mine”. They seem much more interested in you then they are with themselves.
Nothing is more boring than individual drama.
Now don’t think I don’t care for people, on the contrary I care deeply, just not in you dramas or egocentric rants.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Buddha

He’s a small trivial fact for my friends: Today is the Buddha Purnima, the Buddha’s birthday. Buddha Purnima falls on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Vaisakh (April/May). Lord Buddha was born on the Full Moon day in the month of Vaisakh in 563 BC. It is also pertinent that Buddha achieved enlightenment and Nirvana (salvation) on the same day (the Full Moon day). Thus, Buddha Purnima also marks the death anniversary.

Friday, May 21, 2010

They Will Kill Me

As I was cleaning out some of my old blogs, many written years ago, I came across one that I had forgot about. I laughed for a very long time when this happened and I hope you will enjoy it.

I must admit, this truly happened to me the other day:
For those that do not know me up close and personal, I cut hair. Well, the other day I was cutting the hair of a very young man, of maybe ten years old. Beside me, overlooking stood his father, when the little one said to me “They are going to kill you!”
Looking at his reflection in the mirror, I asked whom.
“The Freemasons.” he responded sure in his answer.
I knew instantly he must have seen my ring and laughed gently.
I told him I was safe, and that I was a Freemason.
He told me, “They will kill you for saying that.”
All I could do was laugh; his father bowed his head and shook it back and forth.
From the mouth of babes!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Oil Spill

If you think the oil spill is just a political problem you just might have an
empathy problem.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Perfection Was In the Imperfection

My Imperfect Garden

Even the garden can teach you valuable lessons in life, you just have to look.
True story:
I love gardening; there is something about watching your yard morph into something spectacular, a living breathing work of art. No pun intended.
No doubt once the gardener’s mind takes hold it becomes addictive. Before long every square inch of your property becomes a visual display of green fused with a variety of colors.
Before long you’re weeding, cleaning, pruning, and caring for all the specimens of plant life you have so tenderly grown.
One day I was just flat out overwhelmed, my body couldn’t keep up with the imaginary goals I had in my mind. More weeding needed to be done, plants need dividing, and the hard landscaping was woefully behind.
Exhaustion set in, I was spent, physically and mentally.
As I sat there on a stone wall, on one of the many paths I had created, I looked over at a peeling white fence that needed painting. How dare that fence peel? I looked down dejected.
It was at that moment I saw this tiny weed that had cropped up between the stones on the path I had laid. It seemed like the most beautiful weed, perfectly formed with the tiniest white flower. Normally I would have plucked the weed, but today I was struck by its beauty.
After a time I looked back towards the peeling fence, and much to my surprise I had a three dimensional Andrew Wyeth painting in my backyard.
I knew then, the perfection was in the imperfection….True story.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Consciousness - Tapping In

Today I have been pondering the idea of an all pervasive consciousness, a consciousness that we tap into depending on the circumstance of birth.
In other words, consciousness is all pervasive, it is here before we are born, and it is here after we die. Everything taps into this consciousness, a rock, a weed, an insect, and of coarse the human, But how much it taps into this consciousness, or at least its ability, is determined by its nature.
A rock for instance, because of its nature, has very little chance of tapping into higher levels of consciousness, yet still has consciousness, although minimal. It’s not that I’m picking on the lowly rock; it has minimal “taping in” ability due to its lack of cell structure and DNA.
The plant has cell structure and genetics; hence it has the ability to “tap into” a higher level of consciousness. All the plant needs to tap into more is the nervous system that is present in animals.
Maybe the nervous system is the conduit to higher levels of consciousness?
Remember I’m not positing that we each have a separate consciousness; I’m stating that we are all tapping into an ever present consciousness, and can only do so by the conditions of our birth.
I am sure most would say “No way, I’m a separate person with a separate state of being.” My response to that premise, you created that separateness, call it a byproduct or illusion of free will. Not to say you don’t have free will, but sometimes what you create just might be an illusion, ego.

Enough pondering, now back to my garden.